
IDEAs Radio Show Episode 90 IDEAs issues in President Buhari’s Independence Day Speech

President Muhammadu Buhari gave a long and wide-ranging speech to mark Nigeria’s 61. Independence anniversary; But what issues relating to Integrity, Democracy, Ethics and Accountability did his speech raise? In this week’s programme Ayo Obe was in conversation with Aghogho Oboh to examine this question.

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IDEAs Radio Show Episode 89 Accountability: The role BudgIT has played for 10 years.

IDEAs Radio Show Episode 89 Accountability: The role BudgIT has played for 10 years.17 September 2021. Accountability: The role BudgIT has played for 10 years. For its return to the Public Square on Nigeria Info 99.3FM, IDEAs Radio had Oluseun Onigbinde of BudgIT (which is marking its tenth anniversary) as its guest.  He spoke with…

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COVID-19 Lockdown Easing and IDEAS issues, Episode 81 (03/7/20)

I’m actually reminded Aghogho of that ironic quotation, you know, the one that says: “I’m their leader, so I must follow where they go.” Because if we’re honest, there doesn’t really seem to be any … anything behind the government’s decision to further ease the anti-Corona virus restrictions other than the reality, which is that people are voting with their feet! In short, it looks to an impartial observer as though the government is giving in to as much of what it thinks the people want, as it can, rather than because it’s convinced about the trajectory of the COVID-19 disease in Nigeria.

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IDEAS issues in SGBV, Episode 79 (19/6/20)

Here in Lagos State, the relevant law is not called a Violence against the Person (Prohibition) Law, rather Lagos State enacted the Prohibition Against Domestic Violence Law of Lagos, State Law about thirteen years ago, in 2007, and then, to give effect to the law, the State Government established a Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team which it says is
… a collection of professional service providers and officials that respond as a group and in a timely fashion to the various needs of domestic and sexual violence survivors by providing legal, medical, emergency assistance, Counselling and psychological and psycho social support. The state also keeps a list of Police Stations which have a Family Support and Domestic Unit, and centres where victims of SGBV can receive free medical treatment.”

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Democracy Day and IDEAS, Episode 78 (12/6/20)

the truth is that between the President-elect Olusegun Obasanjo and the outgoing military dictator General Abdulsalami Abubakar, they went out of their way to make sure that there was no handover on June 12th, which they could have done, I mean, it was just going to be about a couple of weeks’ difference, and they could have made June 12th the handover day and then we wouldn’t have to have this sort of discrepancy between the two things. I think that … generally, we are … as I say, our democracy is very much a work in progress.

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